About Jeff Hemmen Ltd

NameJeff Hemmen Ltd
Registered address Appart. 482
4c, Porte de France
L-4360 Esch-sur-Alzette
Registration number B261685verify
Business Authorisation Number 10125642 / 0verify
VAT number LU33526086verify
Share capital 13.37€
LEI 984500CDCFD7BG0EDT81verify

Jeff Hemmen Ltd is fully liable, and up-to-date with payments, for all applicable taxes, including: Luxembourg Corporate income tax (IRC), Luxembourg Communal business tax (ICC), Luxembourg Net wealth tax (IF), Luxembourg Withholding tax on salaries, and Luxembourg VAT (TVA).

As a company director, Jeff Hemmen is personally liable, and up-to-date with payments, for all applicable taxes and duties, including: Luxembourg Tax on salaries, Luxembourg Social contributions for employees, and Luxembourg Social contributions for employers.